Saturday, October 31, 2015

a survival guide for life

now i know you might think that this is going to tell you how to live and be healthy so you can survive and live as long as possible.  But i'm not, i'm going to tell you how to survive life, loneliness heartache heartbreak and depression. 

step 1- find music that makes you happy, not music that's on the radio not music that your friends like. Music that YOU like. 

step 2- find your comfort food and eat it . ( like pizza, cookie dough, ice cream, chocolate milk, sponge bob mac and cheese ) because you're gonna need it a lot

step 3- make a Netflix account and watch Friends, One tree hill, and How I met your mother 

step 4- repeat step 3 and add step 2

step 5- find someone that makes you happy (pets and stuffed animals work) and talk to them 

step 6- go for a run, even if you hate running just run as fast as you can so you can feel your heart beat and your lungs burn, that way you can remember you are alive

step 7- BREATHE

step 8- look up sloth gifs, they will make you laugh

step 9- remember you are strong, and your life isn't as bad as you sometimes think


Sunday, October 18, 2015

Beating heart

Being alive is my heart beating in my chest so fast that it hurts 
Being alive is dancing in the rain feeling the rain drop on my skin running slowly and my body shivering fast 
Being alive is the moment right before I held hands with a boy for the first time. That feeling of my heart beating out of my chest 

Maybe  all we need to feel alive is to make our heart pump a little faster so we can feel it. Because sometimes we forget it's there.

Sunday, October 11, 2015

brick wall

an enormous wall stacked up high
 with cold hard bricks divides me
 from who i really am, from who i want to be
I’ve tried knocking it down
I’ve tried climbing over it
but it seems to tall, to strong
and every day it gets higher and stronger

Sunday, October 4, 2015


so heres the thing.
the thing about love
its a feeling? A feeling 
thats suppossed to take your breath 
leaves you smiling 
and its supposed to make everything.
all the tears
the mistakes
the hopes being crushed so hard
that you can feel your self sinking 
the emotions like looking through 
a magnifying glass
but when it doesnt?
that much harder.
its supposed to make everything 
worth it 
but thats the thing
the thing about love
it doesnt feel worth it.
and i dont even know what love is, ive never felt it