Thursday, February 4, 2016

Project #1- Combined poem with Paige

 My name is Andrea and if you really knew me you would know that I absolutely hate it 

I was born on the sixth.

And you would know that I'm a little bit awkward and can't keep a conversation going 

and I'm often found in my room        
You would know why I get emotional when talk about my mom  

   I've never been fond of growing up
and I'm afraid that everyone will leave.                                            

 If you really knew me than you would  know that I haven't had my first kiss yet

I work at Hobby Lobby
and I'm terrible at goodbyes.

 you would know that I still haven't been able get over that same boy that didn't even treat me right  

I cry too often to be taken seriously
I've never been in love
but have somehow fallen out of it more than once.

                                   I'm self-conscious of my weight and really good at comparisons.
                                            I'm too obsessed my weight and I know that's not healthy 

 If you really knew me you would know that I'm too scared to be myself 

I love the smell of rain
and the way the sky seems to be painted just for me

that I'm a girl with a big smile and  big heart but a small self esteem

I love to drive with my arm out the window
and I sing at the top of lungs
 but only when I'm alone.                                                            
 and im a sucker for boys with nice smiles and blonde hair

I'm often unsure of what to do
and I wish I wouldn't let people hurt me in the way they do

If you really knew me you would know that I I'm still trying to find the "fun" part of high school, but some how don't want it to end 

My lungs rarely fill to capacity
and I run out of breath far too often.

 if you really knew me you would know that i  hate feet & im really bad at making decisions

                                                      Hi.  my name is Andie/ Paige                                                                                            
  im a lover of cheese & the outdoors

I love the sound of my grandmother's voice. 

I have a dream to own a bakery

She's still trying to find who she is

She hates the sound of ticking clocks 

Sometimes we don't see each other enough. 

 Sometimes I forget she's there

But she was the first one I called when he kissed me. 

  And whenever I need her she's there for me 

So we'll grow up
  And live apart 
                                               But she will Always be part of me, 
                                my name is Andie/ Paige and I was born on the 6th/19th

1 comment:

  1. excited to hear this

    you guys are gonna kill it
